Two types of Lockbox Services

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Designed for corporate-to-corporate payments, which may involve large dollar amounts. These items will be deposited same day to ensure the maximum availability of such funds. The remittance documents, check images and deposit information are sent to you daily through a variety of methods ranging from physical mail delivery to Web delivery.


Ideal for consumer payments, which typically have a high number of payments. By using the required Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scannable remittance document, which would contain customer account number and payment information, INTRUST Bank is able to create a file that you may import into your receivables system for posting.

Benefits to your business

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Reduced Mail and Availability Float

Same-day processing and use of state-of-the-art technology reduce processing times and make funds available faster.

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Faster Information

Access decision-critical deposit information obtained via our online portal, INTRUST Lockbox Online, or data transmission from our system to yours.

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Improve Staff Productivity

Streamlined, automated receivables processing decreases your overall processing costs and frees up your employees to work on more profitable activities.

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Protection Against Fraud and Error

Reduces the amount of time employees must "touch" each transaction.

INTRUST Lockbox Online on a laptop

Lockbox Online

Secure, online document viewing and storage

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Instant access to the remittance documents processed in your lockbox. Begin the A/R posting process as soon as the bank completes your lockbox work and eliminate the storage of paper documents.